Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Write a Rap Song

How to Write a Rap Song

How to Write a Rap Song

Musicians wanting to know how to write a rap song need to gather more info on the history and presentation styles. When focusing on how to write a rap song, focus on the distinct elements such as language, rhythm, and lyrics. Some choose old-school rap styles, which are a mixture of riddles, ideas and flow. Others choose new school, which is all about message, beats, and style. However, every rap song has intellectual presentation details, which makes it easier for listeners to capture the message. Executing this is one of the most challenging elements and many artists choose to hire ghostwriters to help.

Work with a professional who knows how to write based on your area of skills. The writer needs to understand the style you want and your personality, target audience, and subject areas. New rappers may find they struggle to compose their lyrics, but if they work with a qualified artist that has the abilities to interpret their thoughts and ideas then they both gain and improve. Some have taken time to narrow down their subject interests in a script form, making it easier for the writer to know how to write a rap song based on their specific needs.

You will need to keep in mind the flow, bridge and chorus. Rapping from beginning to end without a chorus makes the song long and boring. The audience needs transitions in the song, which is why the bridge and chorus is used. When you want to know how to write a rap song, it is important to focus on style and presentation details. These are small elements, which mean volumes to listeners.

Some prefer the old school style, which has their own presentation. Most of these songs have catchy and poetic rhymes. Those seeking the latest version of rap music need to choose writers who can mix different parts of presentation. This includes poetry, proverbs, riddles, and current slang, which is common all over the globe although specific areas have their own geographic slang.

Musicians need to create their identity and this means they have to work with artists know how to write a rap song that is unique and custom written based on their unique needs. Some popular rappers have created this art to a new level, which makes others follow suit. This includes using different musical notes and fusing it with other genres but still representing rap music. Many successful rappers know how to write a rap song that is eclectic and mixes various musical styles.
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How to Make Hip Hop Beats - Ten Easy Steps


 How to Make Hip Hop Beats

How to Make Hiphop Beats
How to Make Hip hop Beats

When you're only starting out how to make Hip hop beats it can be fun and frustrating at the same time. Trust me I was there. But it really is easier you then think. If you're making a beat here are ten tips that will get yo stated.

- one: Pick a style- Know the style of beat you want to make before you start making it. Like rnb rap pop, etc. There have been plenty of beats that I made and could not figure out what style it was.

- two: Pick A Major Artist- Think about a known artist that you would want to make the beat for. Like if you chose a style a rap, think now what rap artiste do you want to make the beat for. Try to imagine that artist on your beat. This will make your hip hop beat-making experience a whole lot easier.

- three: Listen To Their Song- Take a listen to the rap artiste you are making the beat for songs. See the style. Get an idea for the kind of hip hop beats the artist raps over.

- four: Formatting The Song- Very important.formatting is, the intro, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, etc. That's all it is but essentially you just change the order around however you feel like it. Turn on the radio and see how your favorite artist formats there song. When instruments come in, when they drop out. The most basic form to start with is, 2 or four bar intro, 16 bar verse, eight bar chorus, 16 bar verse, 8bar chorus, 16 bar verse, 8 bars chorus. This is the most basic beat-making song format. This is very common in rap. If you want an even simpler way, you can create an eight bar loop and keep it the same throughout the whole song. I have seen this done a lot.

- five: Positioning the beat- I have learned that for starters, it's easier to start with the drums. Kick, Snare, Hi hat, are always a good start. Record a pattern for four bars with those first. Then layer that with maybe some toms, cow-bell, symbols, etc. Whatever you want to use. THE DRUMS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT For Making HIP HOP BEATS! Your drums must hit or hit HARD. The best way to get your drums hitting hard is by not using "pitty pat" free kits you downloaded from the internet for free. If your drums are weak, then your beat is going to be weak.

- six: Laying Down A Melody- This is where most hip hop beat -makers have the most trouble. Because most eat makers can't play the keys. For starters, you might want to learn basic keyboard skills. The major thing you need to learn are, major and minor scales. After you learn that, try and do different combinations and patterns with the drum beat you have created. Use an instrument like, a lead guitar, horns, clav, something that will stand out. Your melody can be however you want it, but for starters, you could do a 4 bar melody, or an 8 bar melody.

-Seven: Layering The Beat- What exactly is done a lot in beat making is layering. If you have your whole beat finished. You can go and make it sound bigger by layering. All you do is fill in some gaps, do the same pattern you did with one instrument with another instrument. Do this throughout your beat. This will make you beat sound a lot fatter.

- eight: Pan- Panning is basically having an instrument all the way to the right, all the way to the left, and anyplace in between. You pan for all kinds of different reasons. It gives each track its own little space in the stereo field. There are no rules for panning, put you have to do it. So just try it out and see what you like best.

- nine: The Mixdown- Extremely important! Very Important! Extremely Important! If you have a poor mix on your beat, then you have pretty much wasted your time. When mixing a beat, start with each track individually. Solo each track and make sure it sounds good by itself. EQ it if you have to, but if each track sounds good by itself, the whole beat will sound that much better. DO NOT DISTORT! If your master levels are in the red before you bounce to disc or mp3, your distorting. Don't worry about if its not loud enough. You never ever ever want to distort. If you are distorting, check any instrument that has boom or low end, Like a kick, bass, sub, etc.these tend to distort more often.

- ten: The Bounce- Now that you made you're beat, Its the hottest hip hop beat ever, you want to put it on cd or upload it to the internet. When you're exporting a beat for cd, Use wav file. 44,1 16bit. If you want to upload to the internet use, 320kbps (the highest,mp3 quality) or 128kbps. Most websites wont accept 320kbps because the file size is too large. So go with 128kbps.

These are all just guidelines to help you get started. There are millions of methods to make a beat, But this is just to help you get your feet wet if you don't know where to begin.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

How To Make Your Own Dance Music Online - Make Dance Beats With Ease!

Make Dance Beats Online
Make Dance Beats Online
If you are looking for a way that you can make your own dance music then you may come unstuck is a lot of the information that you will find online will tell you that you need a recording studio to do this.

The truth is it does help if you do have a good recording studio and music production knowledge as if you're wanting to make a good dance track that sounds just like the stuff in the charts this will be invaluable.

The only other way that you can do this is by finding a good piece of software that were a actually do it for you.

However even with most of these if you do not have any knowledge with putting beats together your quickly find that you either do not make good sounding music or you will not be able to get the software to work at all.

Well I have some good news...

There's a piece of software that has been released that will show you how you can make your own dance music online and the best thing is it has been made for the complete beginner and the professional alike.

You can simply watch through the tutorial videos and get up and running in just 10 minutes, as well is that you have thousands of beats to pick from so you should be making some excellent dance tracks in a very short time.

This is changing the way that people make music online!

Check out DubTurbo now:

Make Your Own Dance Music Online

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Dub Turbo – Your Answer To Making Beats Online!

How To Make Song
How To Make Song

If you are interested in making beats online and I am sure you are if you are at this blog, then you have probably already heard of Dub Turbo by now.

It is causing quite a stir because it is the first DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to be launched with every feature that a fully functioning recording studio has and at a mere fraction of the price.

Although I wanted to write up a blog post and tell you all what the best thing about Dub Turbo was for me!

So what is it?

The quality!

If you have a look about on line you can see other programs such as Fruity Loops or Cubase to name a few and these are all very good, but when you start utilizing them you quickly find that if you are a beginner at making rap beats then you will find it a struggle.

Yes the quality of the beats are good, but as I say when you are getting started it can be difficult to make any really good sounds until you do some swatting up on music production.

So this is where Dub Turbo comes in!

It gives you a fully functioning recording studio or all the features, keyboard, drum kit, wave editor and you can even burn your new creations onto CD!

Although the thing that impressed me was the rate in which you could get your music created and out there with it sounding awesome!

All the sound samples that it uses were recorded in a REAL recording studio and that is what will give your beats that “EDGE”.

The other cool thing is that although it has all of those features it is not very complex at all!

You can get up and running and get an awesome beat out there in just ten mins!

 Check out Dub Turbo today and start making some classy beats with ease >>
How To Make Song

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